This Sunday, I am very pleased to announce that I will be partnering with George Scott of the Books for Heroes Foundation for a week-long fundraising event surrounding the release of my Shadow Warriors sequel, Day of Reckoning(release date yet to be announced).
Since its beginnings in 2003, Scott and the Books for Heroes Foundation have been instrumental in shipping well over 100,000 books overseas to our men and women in uniform and to those in VA hospitals stateside. You can read more about their work in this article, which appeared in Publisher’s Weekly last year.
When I began the Shadow Warriors series, it was with the intention of providing more than a top-notch thrill ride. I wanted my readers to take a hard look at the challenges and hardships faced by those who protect our country, and I’m delighted to have this opportunity to work with Books for Heroes.
The fundraising event will take place the second week following release, with $1 from every e-book & $2 from every paperback sold of Day of Reckoning going to Books for Heroes. In my talks with George Scott, I’ve set a goal of $1,000 raised for the Foundation in the course of that week. This is money that will go toward defraying the ever increasing costs of shipping these care packages to our military.
That is my goal. . .but I would love to smash it. We will be partnering with other authors in the genre to help spread the word, but I would ask for your help as well. I’ve never been a one for “causes”, but I believe in helping those who defend this country. Let’s make this big.
If you have a blog and would be willing to post regarding the event during that week, please contact me at and I will add your name to the list. If you’re willing to spread this news across your Facebook and Twitter, that’s fantastic as well. Further details will be provided as we get closer to the release.
May God bless you all, and may God bless those who have fought for the freedoms we hold dear.